Ciara O'Malley

Ciara O'Malley


Ciara O'Malley is from County Mayo and is the Author of Miracles Appear When Loved Ones Are Near. In this book Ciara shares her uplifting and hopeful journey after the death of her partner tragically in 2017.

This loss sent Ciara on a spiritual path and awoke a faith in her she never knew existed. She is extremely passionate about sharing her journey and believes that you can gain immense growth from all of life's challenges. She also believes that every single person has the ability to heal and that their loved ones who have passed on are always guiding them and that love can never die.

Ciara is also a Heal Your Life Teacher, Reiki Practitioner and Rahanni Teacher and is so passionate about empowering others on their healing or spiritual journey. She also has a podcast called Mind. Less. Full where she shares a wealth of information.