Zenaida Mariana Petre - Zen's Restorative Healing
Bandon, Co.Cork & Worldwide

Facilitator Family & Systemic ConstelIations - Regeneration Method 

Trainer, Personal Discovery Guide, Reiki & Holistic Massage Therapist


Family Constellations Workshops in person  & on-line, sessions 1:1 of guiding towards your true Self, Massage therapy, Reiki energy, Numerology consultations

 love people!

 In everything I've done so far in this life, I've chosen people and, now I am with those people who had the courage to step outside the 3D box!
I facilitate ReGeneration Systemic & Family Constellations, I am here for those who are searching! Those who know that is something else in this reality we see, something better : more understanding, better relationships, more money, better health, more LOVE . And LOVE is the key to everything!!!

1. Ready to uncover hidden family patterns for better self-understanding?
2. Seeking to break free from intergenerational traumas and negative cycles?
3. Want to heal family relationships and find inner peace through Family Constellations therapy?
4. Curious about how Family Constellations can boost empathy, forgiveness, and personal growth?

5. Intrigued by the power of systemic therapy to reveal hidden family dynamics?
6. Ready to transform intergenerational patterns and create positive change?
7. Curious about how constellation work can deepen family bonds and foster healing?
8. Interested in unlocking the potential of Family Constellations for personal growth and insight?

ReGeneration Systemic & Family Constellations is the tool to answer those questions.

Working with the Field, in the Field, surrending to the Field, navigating through patters, habits, triggers, addictions, symptoms, other issues, any issues, dropping burden and honouring whatever happened before us, sets us FREE ! 

Freedom is the step to find yourself, what you really like, what you want to do, who you really are!

Allow yourself to be FREE! Truly and fully!

 My name is Zenaida-Mariana Petre and , like yourself, I am a human being experiencing Life on Earth. I am grateful for Mother Ireland where I was reborn and I honour my Romanian ancestors, whose powerful energy I carry with me at every step.

My work is dedicated to support people who want to make a change inside themselves, so to find balance, peace, and harmony.

It’s time to return to ourselves.

The time has come to offer my gifts while I am continuing my journey.

I choose to work for people, and I am here for you too.

I studied Reiki, Tarot, Numerology, Holistic Massage, Systemic Family Constellations, and I’m still studying (Karuna Reiki, Shamanism, Mandalas - Art Therapy)


 I am a Facilitator in Systemic Family Constellations method, trained in Systemic Therapy ReGeneration, Personal Discovery Guide, Trainer, Mentor Coaching, Reiki & Holistic Massage Therapist


If you sometimes feel that you are not leaving your life to your full potential, or

If you are experiencing relationships troubles, professional struggles, financial issues, addictions, or self-sabotage, or

if you just feel that something is holding you back sometimes, or

 if you are weighed down by persisting emotions of fear, anger, anxiety, depression, sadness, or guilt,

reach out to me, I will be honoured to listen to you.

If you need someone to listen to you, if you need guidance or just a chat, text me at 0874031133 and I will get back to you.

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

Blessings to us all! Blessings to the Humanity!


It’s important to note while the participants at our events & on this site take their work very seriously, all consultations with the psychic & mediums listed are for educational, spiritual, and entertainment purposes only and are not intended to, nor should they ever, take the place of any medical, legal, financial, traditional psychological, or other professional advice. In addition, all holistic therapists listed do not claim to cure or diagnose any medical condition in the same way as a doctor/physician. Their opinion is that of a holistic, complementary, and alternative therapist and their professional opinions, advice, examinations, and recommendations do not constitute the medical advice of a doctor/physician.